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Session 20161109

Participant Lystell

Keep Calm, it's All Good in the End.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Good morning.

I will provide to you this morning a few comments and observations on your election which you just completed. Now to begin it is a major intent with your shift in consciousness that you are currently engaging to alter your social and political systems in a manner that will facilitate you functioning in your societies that is in more harmony with each other, in a more collaborative manner, and I have expressed on this to some extent previously. Your existing social-political systems are quite inadequate in the context of what is required of your shift and therefore you may view this election as a catalyst in that change, that change to your social and political systems.

Now there were two highly probable outcomes for your election and the choice that could have been made either way would not have significantly satisfied a majority of the people in your country. Indeed either choice would result in dissatisfaction with a great many people. Therefore your collective choice in this matter was to choose the outcome that is most expedient in moving you in the direction of your shift. And while to some of you it may seem paradoxical that the choice that was made would be in alignment with such an outcome, that is an outcome of the intent of your shift, this choice was made for it quite clearly will demonstrate the inadequacy of your political systems and therefore it was more expedient in that way.

Had the alternate choice been engaged there would similarly be change, that is it would also have caused a motion in the direction of your shift, however it would have been somewhat more gradual and in any event it would have likely extended this timeframe in which your political systems are undergoing significant change.

Now your country has been from its inception a place where individuals choose to engage their focuses in individuals that have an inclination towards change, towards altering establishments, and the history of your country clearly reflects that. And this election is one such moment.

Now many of you may be quite concerned with the outcome of your election and be fearful of what this may entail for yourselves and to begin I would like to express that it is highly unlikely that this event will result in what you may call very severe or extremely uncomfortable conditions within your country, this is highly unlikely. Additionally, it is highly unlikely that as a result of this choice you will engage in war or any significant expression of that, for collectively you in this dimension have distanced yourselves to a considerable degree from that kind of expression, the expression of mass violence.

Therefore to those that are feeling uncomfortable with this choice that you have collectively made I would suggest that you look to yourselves and ask yourselves how this choice will affect you objectively and concern yourself in this question how it affects you personally, you very objectively, and not in relation to how it may affect others. For as always it is important that you understand the power that you hold, the power to choose your experiences, and to a large degree this mass collective choice of your election will significantly advance that, that is to say, it will make it more evident that the individual can choose for themselves their experiences.

Now, as I have said, either choice would have been unacceptable to a large group of individuals in your country and the probable paths that might have occurred had you engaged in the alternate choice are not all that different. You would have arrived essentially at the same point within some five or six of your years in a different manner. Again this is because of the polarization within your country.

Now one of the main aspects of the choice which you have made collectively is that it will demonstrate to those individuals that affirmatively chose the outcome that you are now experiencing, that that choice, which was a choice of, in a manner of speaking, transferring their individual power to a single individual in the hope that that individual would enact for them the changes that they desire. And of course the individuals cannot achieve what they desire in this manner for they hold the power individually and one aspect then of this election is that this will become clear to those individuals, as it will become clear to the individuals that did not vote in that direction, for now they will need to address more directly to their own experience rather than feeling disempowered by the others.

On a larger scale your government, that is the government in this country, has already for many years been in a process of change and it will continue to do so. This election will not cause a sudden failure of government, it is merely, shall we say, be an acceleration of that, and indeed the most likely outcome over the long term as you progress in your shift is not one of governmental failure per se, it is more of a degradation in government as it transforms itself into a different kind of organization that is more in tune with empowering individuals.

I expressed previously that your country has been from its inception at the forefront of social and political change and again this election is just such an event. It will be carefully followed in other countries in your world and although the reaction will for the most part be quite negative, at least initially, it will in some manner also be an agent for change in other countries for as the situation in this country unfolds it will be seen by others that perhaps their own governments, that is the governments of other countries, are also not satisfying the needs of their citizens, they are no longer adequate. And therefore once again your country is providing some direct experience with that as an example of how dysfunctional your social and political systems have become.

Very well I will end this session and I wish you a good day.