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Session 20161026

Participant Lystell

Fear and Boredom

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Good morning.

I shall begin with a discussion on fear and how it may be released so you may overcome it or be more aware of the fear and its sources and therefore allowing you to choose in what direction you wish to move on that subject that is fearful, thus having more information to base your choice on.

To begin, fear is based on a biological need to alert you to danger. This is the natural use for this feeling, however because you are complex beings and in the present timeframe, and for considerable time in your past, the need for this message from your body consciousness has diminished for you no longer live in a world where physical danger is ever present. However you have in a way extrapolated this feeling and applied it to many other aspects of your life. Fears are not just related to physical danger that may harm your body consciousness but also, and more often in the present timeframe, related to discomfort or a projection of certain beliefs or expectations that you will experience some discomfort or unpleasantness in the near future.

In other words, fear has become much more subjective, it is no longer closely tied to avoiding harm to your body consciousness. This is not to say that that aspect of fear, the fear that alerts you to potential danger, is still not active; it is, however that type of fear you much more easily can address to for it is quite objective and you will understand it usually quite clearly.

The other type of fear, which is much more subjective and relates to your projection of outcomes that you speculate may occur and you do not desire, that type of fear is in actuality much more destabilizing to you. This is quite common, individuals in your dimension quite frequently experience fear of the future and this fear can often be paralyzing in that you may find it difficult to make a choice. And in addition it is destabilizing to your body consciousness, for when you generate a fear on a subject that is not related to harm of your body, your body consciousness is somewhat confused and it becomes destabilized, for it recognizes that emotion, however it is unable to relate it to any current physical situation that needs action or needs your attention.

Therefore fear in relation to expectations and future outcomes can be quite harmful to your body consciousness for the body consciousness does not know how to address to that and it is you your whole you which must address to those fears, for it is you that are generating them. Your body consciousness is simply reacting to a feeling that is familiar but is being, in a sense, misdirected.

Now, to address to a fear, one of the type that is not physical and eminent, the first step in that process is to clearly identify the source of the fear. Oftentimes an individual will begin to feel the discomfort with a certain situation and associate that discomfort as being fear, however it is not uncommon for the individual to not fully be aware of the source of that fear and in order to release this energy and address to the fear it is important to clearly identify for yourself the source of the fear, what is it that is generating that emotion, and being very specific about that. And there may be several factors in this, in which case you should explore each of these until you feel you understand to a significant degree what the fear is. This process of identification of the source of the fear in itself can be quite beneficial, for having clearly stated to yourself what is it you fear, it begins a process of releasing the fear, for it is difficult to release something which you do not understand. And with an understanding of the source of the fear on occasion, and perhaps even frequently, you can see that your fear is unfounded or perhaps being over accentuated.

Additionally, by identifying the source of the fears, you can identify any associations that have brought the feeling about, and this is often the case that an association will generate fear for this too is a natural mechanism of the body consciousness, the body consciousness associates past experiences in your memory with unpleasant outcomes and alerts you to these with a sensation of fear. If you identify the fear with an association then you may analyze this association and determine if the association actually applies to the present circumstances, for the association can be triggered by certain experiences or sensory input that then matches past experiences that were unpleasant or uncomfortable. And it can be that in your analysis of the association you see that the association does not actually apply in the present circumstances, for perhaps the circumstances are different or some other aspect of the present timeframe is not applicable to that past timeframe in which the association was generated.

However it can also happen that the association is generally applicable to the present moment, or even if an association is not involved with your fear you may conclude that there are valid concerns regarding the subject matter of the fear that would indicate that it is possible that you generate an uncomfortable outcome.

Now, very often a fear is an expression of lack of power, lack of self-control, an inability, or rather a perceived inability that you are unable to choose alternate paths that are more desirable. In other words, often a fear may be an expression of being a victim of outside forces, this is very common. In these cases, having clearly identified the source, it may be of benefit for you to remember that you do have that power, that you do have choice in all matters, even if it seems that an outside source controls the power. They do not, your reality is your own and the choice of your experience is your own and if you are able to accept that as a fundamental truth this can be quite liberating for you and in itself can dissipate the fear.

However it may be difficult at times to adopt that view, particularly for individuals that are not accustomed to thinking in that manner, and thinking in, shall we say, more conventional terms in which their reality is not entirely created by themselves. If that is the case then of course you should address to that and begin to assimilate the reality of that truth, that you do have choice, that you do not have to accept the choices of others. And even if you do not believe this completely you may explore what choices you are presenting to yourself and find those choices which you believe will lead to a more satisfactory outcome or experiences which diminish what you fear, the outcome you fear. Tell yourself that you do have choices and take some time to identify those choices.

Oftentimes an individual will say that they have no choice in the matter but they in fact do have other choices, they simply are not willing to consider the other choices, perhaps because of their guidelines on the subject, perhaps because certain choices would embarrass them, or they feel that it would generate an appearance of themselves as weak, and many other such factors. In other words, individuals often tend to eliminate choices simply based on their guidelines and this is an important aspect in addressing to your fears. Try and determine which guidelines are eliminating choices for you and address to that.
Now, on a separate subject, many of you have identified within yourselves a certain restlessness or perhaps boredom in the present timeframe which you perhaps are looking to understand, and perhaps you are looking to find some activity or activities which will occupy you with fulfilling certain desires which are not identified. In other words, you feel that you currently lack a purpose or one that is fulfilling to you, that the activities you have been engaging up to this time are no longer satisfying.

This type of feeling is not uncommon in the present timeframe, for what is occurring here is that you are aware of the changes in the world that are occurring, and they are significant, and at some level you are aware that many of the activities which you previously engaged will become unnecessary or not required at some point in the near future. And by the near future we are perhaps meaning some timeframe of 10, 15, even 20 years depending on the subject matter. Nevertheless, and even in shorter timeframes on the other subjects. And then these feelings of restlessness and boredom, they are in a way a communication to yourself of that, you should perhaps be exploring new experiences that you perhaps have at some time considered but dismissed, or perhaps you have desires that are unfulfilled but have felt that these are unattainable, as well as a feeling that your current activities are no longer satisfying and they are no longer purposeful or necessary.

As I have said, all these types of feelings are connected with the changes in your world, in your awareness, that it is changing. To address to these feelings of dissatisfaction with your present experiences or a feeling that they are no longer satisfying and perhaps boring, I would encourage you to explore new experiences, and as with the subject of fear I just expressed, your guidelines can often be strong limitations to you in masking away choices and making them appear invisible.

Therefore in your exploration to find new and exciting and fulfilling experiences try and set aside your guidelines. In other words, think of what experiences you would like to generate independent of judgment, independent of what you have up to now considered unattainable because of circumstances or unattainable because they might be affecting on other individuals. Identify these guidelines that limit you and consider if perhaps you may be willing to change your guidelines.

It may also be that you are lacking for new directions not because of your guidelines but simply because you do not see opportunity in a particular direction that you would find interesting. For example, you may find certain occupations desirable but feel that it would be unlikely for you to find employment in that field. In this case you are limiting your choice because once again you are allowing outside sources to determine your choices for you. Explore those alternate activities and put aside your concerns about how you may begin engaging them. Instead just simply explore them, perhaps just in thought and imagination and see where that takes you. You may find that you then begin to get some inspiration on how you may begin in that direction.
Again, with the example of finding employment in a field which you consider unattainable or out of reach, you might consider such things as seeking employment at a company that is engaged in these activities that you find interesting but begin with some position within that company that does not require the skills that you think you are missing. You are probably not missing the skills, you simply believe you are, and you simply believe that the employer will demand certain skills. However to simplify it, simply associating yourself with that employer in some manner you will begin to widen your choices on this matter.

And of course locating new experiences does not necessarily involve employment, perhaps you simply want to identify more creative outlets, to take up some creative expression that perhaps you have not had time for previously; this too can be quite a rewarding exploration for you.

Very well I will end the session and wish you a good day.