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Session 20160927

Participant Lystell

The Practical Aspects of Creating Your Reality

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Good afternoon.

Today I will be discussing the practical aspects of creating your reality. I have been describing for some time now the functioning of your perception and how you influence that. And as you are aware your perception is the entirety of your reality, it is your reality in this focus.

Now there are two primary reasons I have been offering this information to you. The first being so you may more easily understand factors which influence your perception and result in the experience. The second motivation for expressing to you this information is so you have a greater sense of freedom, so you have a greater understanding of not only how you generate your experience but the great flexibility which you have in that.

Many of you have for considerable time frame now been exposed to the idea that you create your reality in one form or another. However many of you again have not quite fulfilled a desire to deliberately create what is it you want. And to some extent you may feel that for whatever reason there are impediments or difficulties in doing so. And some of you might even have begun to question whether you do in fact create your reality for you have not seen the kind of evidence that you would like to see that clearly demonstrates that you do in fact have this power.

Now in connection with this I have expressed that your beliefs are very influencing upon everything in your reality in this focus and of course this is not new information for you. You have heard this many times, perhaps you have heard it so many times that you no longer pay attention to it. And I bring it to your attention again, for perhaps previously it may not have been completely clear how influencing your beliefs are.

In particular I would be referring to the mass beliefs and the core beliefs in your blueprint. The beliefs that you personally hold yourself, that is beliefs that for the most part you have generated on your own and concerning yourself, are somewhat easier to identify and also simpler for you to disengage from. The other beliefs, the mass beliefs, the ones in the blueprint that are prominent, it is not always so evident that you are engaging them and it is also more difficult for you to disregard them.

Again keep in mind that beliefs are not simply limitations you have adopted, they are frameworks for you, and in fact are essential for your experience within your focus, for they provide that framework.

Now returning to the subject of the practical aspects of creating your reality, what is it that you can accomplish easily, depends very much on your flexibility with your beliefs and what it is you are trying to accomplish. If you are trying to accomplish something that violates many of your beliefs it will be extremely difficult for you to accomplish that. No matter how knowledgeable you are about the mechanism of perception your beliefs will most likely distort your efforts to generate the experience you wish if the beliefs are contrary to that. Therefore when you first set out to accomplish a particular action that results in an experience of your desire the very first step is for you to catalog those beliefs that are opposing that experience, are opposing you from generating that experience.

Let us take an example: suppose an individual is seeking employment. The individual to begin with likely has strong beliefs regarding process, therefore the individual will believe that it is necessary to follow certain steps in order to achieve this goal of acquiring employment, perhaps employment with a particular employer or employment that involves work of some kind. The individual that believes in processes, which would be almost everyone, would first want to engage a search for employment, let's say, and then would perhaps contact prospective employers based on that search and submit information to them about their capabilities and aspirations in that job and so on. The next step in that process would typically then be for the individual to obtain an interview with the prospective employer and then there would be an additional step of convincing the employer in that interview that you have the required skills and other criteria the employer may consider important. And all this stems from your belief in process, but even in this there would be other beliefs typically.

There would be beliefs regarding how you feel about how qualified you are for this prospective job, there would be perhaps beliefs when you got to the interview about the character of the interviewer, as to whether you feel they are sympathetic to you or not. There would be beliefs about the general economic situation and therefore you may believe that it is difficult at this time to obtain employment in your particular field and others.

As you can see what appears to be a fairly simple objective to obtain the employment of your choice is quite heavily burdened with various beliefs. Now clearly many of these that I have just described are not so strong that you cannot disengage, for example the beliefs in the economic conditions. If it were that you believe it is currently not a good time for availability of these kind of jobs you perhaps could address to that using various means and then other beliefs concerning perhaps your doubts about your qualifications you could similarly address to and so on.

The beliefs in process would be more challenging and in this one it would likely be unrealistic for you to circumvent that belief, but not impossible. You could circumvent the belief in process for example by engaging a different process. Instead of the one I just described perhaps you could rely on the process that involves friends of yours that have connections with employers that are offering jobs that you want, for example, and that in itself is a process as well.

Now of course it is theoretically possible for you to generate simply the experience that in the morning you receive a phone call from an employer that has exactly the job you want and you start as soon as you wish and you would receive this phone call without you having to take any action whatsoever. And this is most likely what you would like to do for it involves the least amount of process, the least amount of effort, it does not require you to analyze your beliefs with regard to your qualifications, with regard to the economy and so on. However the question then is how realistic is it for you to generate that experience, the one in which you receive this unexpected phone call with the job you want?

Now for you to generate that experience, the one which would be simplest for you, requires a great deal of trust that you do have that power to generate experiences of your choosing. For fundamentally if you do not trust yourself that you have that power, which is another way of saying you do not believe that you have that power, then the likelihood that such an experience would be generated is relatively low. For your perception is quiet loyal to your beliefs and in particular your perception does not generally create experiences that strongly violate your beliefs and therefore would, shall we say, surprise you. It can occur, for there are other factors involved in the generation of your experience with your perception, other factors having to do with your attention and your intent, and both of these also in areas completely unrelated to your search for employment. Again, remembering that how you express your energy on other subjects is all blended together and affecting of your perception on all subjects.

Now at the point where many of you are in the present time frame, this idea that you can generate an arbitrary experience simply by applying your attention and your intent and by putting aside beliefs that are contrary to what you wish to accomplish, for many of you this is going to be quite challenging if you attempt it. For you may not have quite the trust in yourself that will allow it. Therefore it is more likely that you will acquire disappointments, referring back to our example, in one of the more, lets us say, conventional manners, by following your processes. But even in that your beliefs are still quite affecting.

Now then the question may be what would an individual do. Perhaps an individual that does understand what I have been expressing in regards to the nature of your perception but perhaps lacks that complete trust in themselves that in fact they can accomplish in that manner. For even to accomplish in that manner would require an expression of energy from you in other subject areas as well which you would then also have to address to.

One possible course that you might take is to utilize is a kind of blended method. To begin, review what obvious beliefs you have that may prohibit you from achieving this. These would be mostly beliefs about yourself as to how qualified you feel for this type of work, beliefs that you may have about the availability of this type of employment and so forth. And these of course would be quite influencing, for if you have a belief, for example, that the economic conditions are not appropriate to finding this type of employment, that belief will permeate and alter all aspects of your attention on the subject. When you are engaged in a search you would perhaps discount certain jobs because you felt that they were not the types of employment that is available in the present conditions for example. Or because of your belief in that you may also simply not draw to yourself offers for employment simply because you believe that they are not available.

Therefore having addressed to these fundamental and, let us say, basic beliefs regarding your job search you could then proceed to engage your process with beliefs that are more likely to produce the results you want. And these beliefs will then draw your attention to the likelihood of you obtaining employment you want, and of course you would repeat this process for whatever beliefs you recognize, perhaps having to do with the interview process, perhaps having to do with your qualifications, and so on.

The effect of the beliefs are primarily in that they influence your attention and, as you know, if your attention is drawn to a particular subject area it will accentuate that. Now it is possible for you to direct your attention and maintain it on those subjects that you wish to highlight even if you hold contradicting beliefs, however this can be quite challenging. It is not the belief directly that influences your perception, rather the belief influences your attention; it also influences your intent and your choices. Therefore it might be somewhat unrealistic to expect to generate an experience which strongly contradicts your beliefs in a particular area.

Now what I have been describing here is a fairly typical situation in which an individual wishes to generate a particular experience and I have highlighted some of the most prominent obstacles that the individual can generate for himself in this. You can see that even if this individual has a very firm understanding of their perception and how they influence that it is not a trivial matter to create this experience given all these factors involved, particularly their beliefs, and by bringing these to your attention, these complications, I am attempting to demonstrate to you the complexities of creating a reality in your dimension. However with the information I have provided, and others have provided as well, regarding this subject you can considerably influence your perception in the manner you wish even though it may not be as, shall we say, magical as with that hypothetical phone call your receive in the morning, for in whatever way you apply this knowledge, and to whatever extent you do, it does have a beneficial impact upon what you wish to accomplish.

Now returning to our job seeker, this individual would then perhaps after considering all these factors I have described generate, shall we say, a more positive attitude towards their endeavor and this would be the result of addressing to their beliefs that were detrimental to their employment search. They also could take considerable encouragement from the information regarding their perception in that they would have considerable certainty of their power to generate experiences of their choice even though that belief in their power may not be absolute, there may be doubts in that.

Fostering such a belief does have a beneficial impact on your perception and the individual also would look at other areas of their life and see what it is that they are paying attention to in other subjects. Are they, for example, paying attention to their lack of money and therefore generating and energy of lack, of not enough? For this attention to lack on the subject of money, shall we say, spills over and generates an attention of lack on the subject of employment. Again there is no fragmentation in this, your perception operates with a blend of how you are expressing yourself on all subject areas.

My discussion on this today is with the purpose of perhaps offering you a different perspective on your desire to create your reality in the manner of your choosing. Often individuals who learn of the power they have to create their reality, upon learning this, they feel that they should be able to engage this power directly and magically create whatever they choose. However this rarely occurs, for the various reasons I have expressed and illustrated with this example of the individual seeking employment. I do not express these complications in order to discourage you from exploring and experimenting with your power of creation, quite the contrary. I am merely bringing these matters up so that you may be aware of the complications that you generate in relation to the creation of your reality, for many of these are well within your awareness and you can address to these factors.

Very well, then I will close the session and wish you a good day.