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Session 20160920

Participant Lystell

More on the Body Consciousness

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Good morning.

We will begin with another discussion on the body consciousness. Your body consciousness is an area of your consciousness. It is, we may say, an aspect of you, it is completely you. However for the purposes of engaging in physical dimensions in which you project a physical representation of yourself you allocate a portion of your consciousness that is almost exclusively concerned with the functioning of your physical body, and this would be your body consciousness.

Therefore there is some separation which you have created for the body consciousness, separation from your larger consciousness and the purpose of this separation is to facilitate the somewhat autonomous functioning of the body consciousness so you need not be aware of the innumerable details involved with maintaining your physical body functioning properly. And because of this separation [from] the body consciousness, most of the detailed aspects of maintaining your body functioning are well below your awareness. And this is intentional, for this would be quite distracting to you in your other activities if you had continuous awareness of all of the actions and energy movements which occur in your body. Additionally this separation is also for the purpose of lessening the influence you have in your ordinary activities upon the body consciousness, so the body consciousness itself will not be, shall we say, distracted by your other activities.

Now in all this the body consciousness is still very susceptible to your actions and your beliefs, particularly those beliefs that are affecting upon the body consciousness. And again the body consciousness is very much you, this separation is artificial, it is merely introduced for the purposes I have just explained. You can become aware of any aspects of your body consciousness, this is simply an activity you do not normally do.

And on the subject of instructing your body consciousness, this is something you do quite frequently, although you may not be aware. Instructing your body consciousness is primarily about allowing the body consciousness to function normally, allowing it to function as an overseer of your physical body. And the body consciousness on its own, without interfering influences from beliefs that are detrimental to that purpose, will do so without you being aware or needing to be aware.

However because of this separation of the body consciousness and it’s somewhat autonomous behavior, the body consciousness can and does access the blueprint directly on subjects that are pertinent to it. For example, the effects of medications, the mass beliefs in subjects related to your health, and your maintenance of your health, subjects related to diet and those substances which are harmful or not harmful or have specific effects - all of these beliefs which are prominent in your blueprint, the body consciousness does access and these beliefs will influence how your body consciousness generates the imagery for your physical body.

Your physical body is a product of your perception, however the imagery of your body is in the domain of your body consciousness. That is to say your body consciousness has primary influence on your perception for the generation of that imagery. Again you have great influence on this and the body consciousness treats your own beliefs as primary. For example, while you yourself may not hold strong beliefs on the effectiveness of a medication the body consciousness is aware of the mass beliefs surrounding that medication in the blueprint and if you allow the body consciousness by not influencing it, it will accept those beliefs and produce the effects in your physical body from the medication that are expected by the mass beliefs. And the same is true for other subjects such as diet.

Now your beliefs are primary, they are the most important to the body consciousness and the body consciousness will abide by those and give priority to those over whatever beliefs on a particular subject may be in the blueprint. However in order to cause the body consciousness to recognize your primary beliefs you need to establish them and firmly set your intent with regard to that.

As another example, in the blueprint there are many beliefs about certain foods and types of nutrition that will lead to the gain of weight in your body and these are quite highlighted in the blueprint for many individuals ascribe to these beliefs.

Let's say we are, as an example, referring to chocolate and the mass beliefs on this substance are that consuming it will contribute to weight gain, in particular if you consume a substantial amount of it. But perhaps you rather enjoy chocolate and you are aware of the mass beliefs associated with it however you would prefer to enjoy it without gaining weight as the mass belief would dictate. You can then establish a belief that chocolate will not affect you in that manner and you may enjoy it without consequences, for many of these beliefs in the blueprint regarding dietary matters are for the most part rooted in your belief of consequences, cause-and-effect. And if you firmly engage that belief, which basically states that you need not gain weight when consuming chocolate, your body consciousness will respect that and will engage that belief.

One important area regarding your body consciousness is that of disease and illness for this is usually how an individual begins to pay attention to the functioning of their body. Generally an individual will not pay much attention to the functioning their body as long as it is functioning in the manner they expect and they generally are feeling well.

There are several different ways in which the body consciousness adopts illness and diseases. The first way in which it does this is through your belief in contagion and this should be quite familiar to you. Diseases such as colds and flus and other such diseases that you attribute to the spreading from other individuals, these diseases then are assumed by the body consciousness because of your belief in contagion and this will be triggered, for example, if you are in a situation in which you feel contagion may be occurring.

Another way in which the body consciousness acquires disease is related to other beliefs, the beliefs in the harmfulness of certain substances that you might consume or perhaps in digesting food that has been contaminated or has spoiled, those beliefs that you may become ill from ingesting these type of ingredients is also a source of the body consciousness generating illness. Again this is another case by contagion of your belief systems providing the influence.

The other type of illness which the body consciousness may adapt is the kinds of diseases which are a reflection of you. For example diseases such as cancer, the beliefs around these kind of diseases is that contagion is not involved, which it isn't, for contagion is purely a belief, and although some types of cancers have been attributed to substances, often times [for] an individual that generates a cancer it will not have been caused by a substance. In some cases a belief in the ill effects of a substance such as, for example, consuming or inhaling tobacco smoke, in those cases it is a belief of the other kind, it is disease that is been generated by your belief in harmful effects. However in many cases cancers are in part or completely the result of how you are projecting your energy about yourself. And these type of diseases then will be generated by the body as a reflection of that.

If you are, for example, continuously discounting yourself, you are continuously expressing dissatisfaction and other such expressions, these will tend to influence the body and the body will reflect these expressions. For like any other product of your perception your body is influenced by your expression in all areas, not just what you believe and think about your body. And so your perception will then generate a diseased body if these expressions are strong enough and if you have other beliefs that support generation of diseases.

This is not to say that the expression of these types of energies will necessarily result in the generation of disease. Whether it generates disease or not is affected by other factors such as your beliefs on diseases.

Another category of disease or illness that the body consciousness may generate is one that is intended to signal you as to what you are doing, what effects you are having upon yourself. This would be, for example, the effects of stress, the effects of excessive exercise, excessive use of the body in certain ways that it is not prepared to behave in. In these cases the body consciousness may generate a disease or illness that is intended to draw your attention to what you're doing and it is a signal for you to address to that.
Now in many cases where the body consciousness has generated some kind of illness or disease for one of these reasons it then may become challenging for you to regenerate yourself, or more specifically to return the body consciousness to a more normal state. This is particularly so in cases where there are beliefs surrounding that illness. Those beliefs can be quite influencing upon how easily or how long it takes to return the body to normal functioning.

For example, again with cancers, some of these are considered extremely serious and fatal unless you engage some very specific and destabilizing procedures according to your medical system. And if you ascribe to these beliefs, and many of these are extremely well embedded in your blueprint, then it becomes very difficult for you to disengage from this action. Additionally when your body consciousness does acquire disease it will often draw your attention to that aspect of yourself, your attention will return to the malfunctioning of your body and in so doing your attention will amplify and continue to produce that illness.

These two factors then are often the ones that hinder the rapid release of illness and return to health. There may be additional other factors, for example, the individual may have some motivation for retaining the illness, perhaps because the illness has attracted the affection and helpfulness of other individuals and they may enjoy that, and in these cases the individual may choose to continue expressing the disease.

Now the most common case is that individual wishes to return the body to normal functioning and to do so various steps can be taken. The first, the most important step is for the individual to recognize that the malfunction or illness has been self-generated. This is an extremely important first step for if you do not recognize this truth then you are allowing others and their beliefs to dictate how and when you may cure yourself. To some extent this may be a course that works for an individual. For example, if they have trust and confidence in the medical system and in their physician and if this trust is sufficient to overcome beliefs and if the physician that individual engages is supporting and helpful then this may be a viable course to heal the individual. However this may be challenging for there are many external factors that you have allowed now to be dictating and influencing upon the healing of yourself.

A more direct approach is to first recognize that the illnesses self-generated. Having done that then address to the reasons why the illness is generated to begin with. For example, if you recognize that the illness was generated due to your belief in contagion then you can move in the direction of disengaging yourself from that belief and generating a belief that is more beneficial, such as the truth that contagion is simply a belief and you are not vulnerable to diseases being spread in that manner.

Whatever the perceived cause of the illness was the individual should address to that. And additionally the individual should foster a belief that they can and do and have full capability to regenerate their body and cure their illness. And finally, the individual should avoid paying attention to the effects of the disease and as much as possible draw their attention to more satisfying aspects of their life.

Now there was a question relating to co-creation and on the subject of co-creation first of all it is a matter of semantics, what is meant by that word. All of your experience, every bit of it, everything in your world, all of that, is generated by your perception, by you. There are no exceptions. No other individual can generate your experience or influence your perception. You may allow other individuals to do so [i.e. influence you], and this is a common occurrence, however in all cases it is your experience and you have created it. And as I have explained already your interactions with other individuals can influence that, but again the degree to which that occurs is your choice.

One of the aspects of this word co-creation that is confusing to individuals is that you all share what appears to be a common world, you all appear to agree on certain aspects of that world and you largely agree on everything that is in the world and so on. There is a great deal of agreement on your physical dimension. And in reality the degree to which you incorporate the mass view of the world, that is the blueprint for the world, is your choice and in the most common case you do choose to incorporate large amounts of information from the blueprint in the experience that you generate, but not completely. The other individuals are contributing to that, and you are choosing to draw from their contribution and possibly change it.

Let me provide an example. Let us say there is a painter, an artist that is sitting with his canvas in a busy market. The artist wishes to paint the scene before him and that scene contains other individuals going about various activities in the market. The artist may choose to portray the individuals on his canvas in various ways that may either accurately represent the other individuals in the market or perhaps modify them to suit his artistic purpose.
For example, there may be an individual that he sees in the market that is looking perhaps to the artist sad. The artist may choose to accentuate that in his painting, the artist may decide that he wants to accentuate the sadness and therefore he changes the likeness of that sad individual to one that looks perhaps depressed or is expressing a much deeper sadness than the artist actually is perceiving. And the artist then places that modified individual in the canvas. And he does this for all other individuals, choosing how he shall portray them in the painting.

Now the product of the artist’s work, that is the painting, has been totally created by the artist, every last brushstroke is the result of the artist. No other individual guided the artist in the way he was to portray that scene, therefore there is no co-creation with that painting. However the artist has drawn significantly from the expression of others in order to present that painting. However he chose the degree to which he might modify that to suit his own purposes.

Now the analogy to your perception is of course clear and the difference is that as you generate your experience you are painting your world, the difference being that you are living the world you are painting. It is like you are part of that painting and you are living that painting, and you are experiencing that painting, even as you paint. It would be incorrect in this example to say that that painting has been co-created for the artist has made all the decisions and choices as to the way in which the painting is to be portrayed.

Now I will close the session and wish you a good day.