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Session 20160902

Participant Lystell

Current Changes in Society and Political Systems

Friday, September 2, 2016


Good morning.

Today I will be engaging in a discussion of the changes currently ongoing within your society and your political systems. These changes being initiated by your shift in consciousness that continues today.

To begin, these social and political changes have been ongoing for quite some time now. They are merely accelerating presently and that is why they may appear to be more noticeable in the present time framework. It is likely that this acceleration in change will continue for some time.

In the present timeframe there is a large volume of energy being projected by you collectively in this dimension to flow the changes that you have initiated with your shift in consciousness. Your political systems are being challenged, for that is an aspect of your world that will be quite influenced by the shift and, you may say, radically altered. For the most part these ongoing changes in your political systems will be not quite peaceful but not violent either. There will be likely significant commotion as you can already see.

The changes in your political system are to some extent key to where you will be arriving once your shift is completed. At the present moment many individuals are dissatisfied with the current state of their governments. Their reasons for dissatisfaction may vary considerably however there is one common thread in this dissatisfaction and that is that the individuals feel disempowered. They feel that their choices and decisions are being made on their behalf by governments and this is now being more readily recognize in your population.

The shift is at its core an expansion in your awareness. This expansion in awareness is quite affecting upon social and political habits and social and political dogmas that have been in place for quite some time. As your awareness widens it becomes more clear that these social and political systems can't support a world in which greater awareness prevails.

There are of course other aspects to the shift beyond politics and social structure, for example a widening awareness enhances individual's sense of connectedness and also their acceptance of other individual's beliefs, wants and directions.

Now one of the primary changes that is occurring in your political systems is a move towards an organization that is less dictating to the population in terms of their choices. Historically your society has been largely, shall we say, controlled by governments and this has largely been implemented through the use of laws in your legal systems. Changes that are occurring with governments will much lessen the need for these laws, for many of these laws are constructed on the basis that individuals can cause harm to each other and that there are aggressors and victims and the laws have been put in place as a deterrent to individuals forcing upon others choices or other controlling factors.

Now as the shift progresses your widening awareness will make all individuals more aware of the true nature of your interactions. You will of course be aware that, for example, the concept of a victim is purely a belief for more and more individuals will realize that they solely are responsible for the reality they create.

To arrive at that point will still take a considerable amount of time in your terms and that part of the shift, that is, a mass realization that each individual is fully responsible for their own experiences, is still some ways in the future as you may think of it. However, even in the present timeframe there are more individuals moving in that direction, that perhaps below their awareness, they are beginning to understand this concept of self-responsibility.

Therefore one of the key changes that will likely occur in your political systems will be a degradation or a loosening of your laws and legal systems. This action may be quite disruptive, for your society has become quite accustomed to relying on these legal mechanisms to maintain a sense of harmony and safety. This is not to say that your laws will suddenly disappear or individuals will suddenly begin to violate them without any regard. This change will occur more gradually than that, however it does have potential for significant trauma and unrest.

In other areas of your political system one of the other aspects that will likely change is having to do with taxation and monetary matters. As you are aware, your monetary systems will be degrading and become less useful to you in the next 10 or 15 years perhaps. The present state of these financial institutions and financial markets is still relatively stable although they are becoming more volatile and more susceptible to instability. Many of your governments in your world are very closely linked to the financial systems and as these financial systems degrade over time this will also put further influences upon these governments to change.

These changes will also be a catalyst for a lessening of governmental influence in your society. As the significance of monetary instruments and currencies diminish a large part of what governments concern themselves with will similarly diminish and therefore the influence of the governments will weaken. Eventually you will likely collectively move in a direction in which governments are primarily a support function, one in which the government facilitates. It will facilitate individuals to communicate, to provide learning, and to help them move in the direction of the shift.

Governments will also be facilitating by adding assistance, to providing some basic needs, such as food and water, transportation and the like. In other words the government will eventually cease to be an overseer of all social and financial activity and will be a much more, shall we say, caring institution that is primarily concerned with providing for and facilitating the activities of the citizens.

Now another social change that is well on its way presently is that of religion. Religious views are changing rapidly in the present timeframe, the fairly recent changes in the Catholic Church with their choice of new pope is an example of this. However religion will continue to exist for a considerable time, well into your future, for it will play a role in stabilizing the social environment as you proceed in your shift.

Initially, however, adjustments will be made to various religious sects and these may be disruptive, particularly for those who have strong affinity for religion today. As your awareness increases it will become more and more evident to people that the current religious dogmas and attitudes no longer serve a beneficial purpose.

The concept of God, for example, in most religions is very central, however it strongly diminishes the power of the individual for it allows or provides an individual with a false sense that they are not responsible for their experience, that God is responsible for their experience.

The realization that you individually are Gods will not be accepted for quite some time. However there will be a gradual adjustment in religious thinking that shifts the power from God to the individual. It will become more and more acceptable to religious leaders that God does not control the destiny of individuals, that God does not punish or dictate to individuals, and instead the view will change to one in which God is an adviser, one that provides information and assists when asked.

This shift in the concept of God is central to how your religions will adapt. There is still quite some distance to be covered in this change; some religious sects have moved considerably in this direction whereas others are resisting strongly. Again, your widening awareness will accelerate this. It is likely that, as I said, religious institutions will remain for some time, however they will be quite different from what they are presently.

The concepts I have been expressing recently having to do with how you generate your experience are quite, let us say, advanced for the present timeframe and most individuals in your world today would find the concepts I express on that difficult or impossible to accept. Therefore these religions with their more open definition of God will for some time provide support to your population widely, until the point is reached where your collective awareness is expanded and you are largely able to accept that you generate your experience.

This support function that your religions will provide in the coming timeframes is quite important to the movement of your shift, for it will provide a kind of anchor for many people, without which there would be considerable more trauma and disruption.

With the widening awareness it is natural that there will be a factor of confusion. For as individuals become more aware of their reality and how they play a part in it, certain aspects of this without an understanding of how that comes about would cause considerable confusion and trauma were it not for the support of religion in the manner which I have just expressed.

Now we've had a good session here and there is a great deal more to say on this subject however I will close the session at this time and wish you a good day.