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Session 20160731

Participant Lystell

The nature of time

Sunday, July 31, 2016


Good morning. Today I will begin with a discussion about the nature of time.
Time is primarily an attribute of physical dimensions such as your own. Its primary purpose is to create the illusion of cause and effect and order your moments of experience in the sequence that mimics cause and effect. Time is, as far as your dimension is concerned, a physical property. It is used to give the appearance of physical motion within your physical dimension. This physical motion can take on many forms, not just the obvious form of objects moving in space, but also physical motion at the atomic and molecular levels.

Time and space are closely related, they are the fundamental framework for all physical dimensions. Now, your species has taken the concept of time and applied it to your subjective experience. In that, you order your experienced moments in a particular sequence and this applies not just to physical experience but your subjective experience. For example, your thoughts, you tend to order in a particular sequence. Many individuals experience thought as language although the language in which thought is experienced is not necessary but many individuals experience in that way for they feel more connected with their physical reality when thoughts [are] expressed to them as language.

Thoughts, then, are a translation of information and your translation of them in a physical environment follows a time sequence. The information of the thought is available simultaneously, the thought is fully self-contained, it has no duration, it is simply a packet of information. However individuals in this dimension generally translate the thought further into language and put it into a sequence of words and this is a reflection of your time within your dimension.

Now, as I have said, time is primarily a physical attribute of your dimension and your species has extrapolated that to apply more generally to your experience both physically and subjectively. In either case time is very specific to physical dimensions. As you know, outside of physical dimensions all action is simultaneous. In a physical dimension your perception is what implements time, so to speak. Your perception will draw from the blueprint experiences both physical and subjective in a particular sequence. And the sequence is your implementation of time.

Generally individuals in your dimension experience time in a synchronous manner, although there is considerable leeway in this. That is, individuals more or less agree on when events occur if these events are shared between multiple individuals. This may not always be the case, for each individual has their own perception and the perception may alter the time, not only in the sequence of events and experiences but also alter it in the perceived speed of action, and this does occur quite frequently. However in situations where multiple individuals are interacting with each other or are, let's say, witnessing an event, there will generally be agreement on when the events occur and how they unfold. This is simply because your perception adheres to your belief in a single reality shared by all individuals. In fact each individual has their own reality, however generally speaking, in order to function with other individuals each individual's perception maintains the illusion that it is synchronized with all other realities and this is of course a cooperative effort, it is part of the blueprint.

However, your perception is what accesses the blueprint and it can access the blueprint at different speeds and in different orders. Now the fact that time is primarily a physical attribute and exists only in physical dimensions allows you to have flexibility with it for you are essence and exist outside of the physical dimension and outside of time. It is your focus of course that experiences time. The simultaneous nature of existence permeates into physical dimensions where time is experienced. In the physical dimension events are in actuality simultaneous, they do not occur in time they are created continuously and your perception then pieces together the moments of these creations and that becomes your experience.

It is possible to vary your perception of time. This requires considerable practice for most individuals, for again time is quite fundamental to your dimension. If you were to disconnect yourself from time within your focus you could then experience any particular moment of your choosing whether you consider it past or future. There are no limitations on how you experience your moments, the time element is simply an attribute of the physics in your dimension. Your extrapolation of time to your subjective experience is something that you choose to do, it is not fundamental to the dimension.

Now, when you choose to create a new experience what occurs is that you are effectively choosing a particular probability within your present moment and then you follow this probability in a particular direction or choose another direction moment to moment. If you liberate yourself from time and disregard it, it is possible to follow a probability to a certain point and then reset yourself either to the beginning of that path or to the beginning of some arbitrary other point that was probable at the time that you made your choice and then experience that path. Now this would take considerable effort in your present state for it is a very strongly held belief that moments occur in a particular sequence and cause and effect is also a very strongly held belief.

Again, cause and effect is an attribute of time which in turn is fundamentally a physical property, therefore there is no cause and effect associated with how you may choose your probabilities, it is merely a convention that you follow.

Now of course your existence within this dimension is shared by everyone else on the planet and beyond and as part of the general intent for this dimension it is but, shall we say, conventional for the individuals to more or less have a united experience. Having a unified experience in this dimension with other individuals tends to enhance your sense of connectedness with them. If each individual conducted and experienced their realities in vastly different manners it would be difficult for you to relate to other individuals, for the basis for most of your interactions in your realities in this dimension are the physical experiences for the most part.

As your species progresses through the shift in consciousness subjective experiences will be more recognized as valid and will eventually be recognized not only as valid but as the source for your physical experience. When this occurs you will, as a species, liberate yourself substantially from cause and effect in time and have greater freedom in the choosing of your experiences. You will still be very physically oriented and your experiences will still contain substantially what is physical. However your understanding of the source of the physical experiences as being subjective is where your greater latitude in choosing your experiences will arise. Probabilities will be seen as choices and moreover it will be recognized that the choices are not irrevocable, that they can be changed.

Now on the subject of probabilities, as I have just said, in your dimension you generally experience realities which are closely in synch and have general agreement for that is the intent of your dimension. It can occur when a major mass event is experienced that there are two or more major probabilities in which your collective realities may fall. In these circumstances, it on occasion occurs and has occurred in your past that there is a splitting of the blueprint into fragments. When this occurs certain individuals will follow one path and experience one mass reality while other individuals will follow another and possibly there may be a third or fourth path. Generally though the occurrence of these splits in the blueprint are generally two ways splits, but not necessarily. Individuals that follow one path continue to experience the reality seamlessly as do the individuals that follow the other path.

Now if one individual that follows one branch, one probable branch, has interactions with another individual which has chosen to follow the other branch then that individual, the one in the first branch, will be interacting with a probable version of the other individual. When this occurs the individual may experience subtle differences in the interactions with the other individual, for the other individual’s primary reality is located elsewhere, in a different blueprint. Initially the two blueprints will be quite similar, in fact initially they are identical. However the splitting of the blueprints allows for a significantly different path. For example, in a major mass event such as a large world war as your species has experienced in the not too distant past there are probable outcomes for this. One outcome is the outcome in which you are aware; there was another outcome in which there was far greater destruction. That is an example of the splitting of the blueprint. That other blueprint still exists, however you would not recognize it today, it has changed very substantially from the blueprint that you are experiencing.

Now, as I said the blueprint contains the definition of all physical aspects of your world and many other things as well, therefore when the blueprint splits and each branch of the blueprint follows a different path, probable path, in effect that causes the creation of two separate universes. Remember that what you consider to be physical and solid is in fact simply subjective, therefore it is not such a seemingly disruptive event when the blueprint splits. It is not like a new world has to be physically created for each branch. It is the same world to begin with and it merely progresses in a different direction for it is purely subjective anyway.

Those individuals that are known by the other individual which has gone in a different direction into the alternate blueprint, these individuals over time tend to fade from your perception. That is not to say that they will suddenly disappear, they will simply seem to be less active, less vital, less interactive and other subtle changes, for in your manifestation of the physical aspects of these other individuals you are no longer creating that manifestation based on their primary focus, you're basing it on an alternate focus, on an alternate probable focus, that the other individual has in a sense discarded. That other probable focus will continue on, however it lacks to some extent the energy that that other individual was providing with it. It is possible when a blueprint splits after some time for you to reconnect with an individual's primary focus in the other blueprint, however this would be a subjective connection, your physical manifestation of their physical form would still be an alternate probable one.

Now I will close the session and I bid you a good day.